Friday, October 5, 2007


Thought I would take a little time to discuss a big aspect of my health. I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. For those who are not familiar with it, it is a multi-system effecting disease that causes a wide range of symptoms. It has a tendency to get better and worse, better and worse, etc. And currently there is no definitive treatment or cure.

The symptoms I have been experiencing since July 2005 are muscular pain, extreme fatigue, joint pain, headaches ranging from mild to severe migraines, fever of unknown origin, blood in urine, huge fibroid in uterus resulting in hysterectomy, Fibro-Fog in head (feeling in head of not being able to get thoughts straight, being in fog), muscle twitching/spasms, bladder spasms and urgency, spots showing up on chest x-ray, carpal tunnel exaccerbation, and very recently ringing in my ears.

While not all the symtoms listed above are probably attributed to the Fibromyalgia, those are nevertheless what has been going on with me. I have had a myriad of tests performed and seen more specialists than I can remember. I spent time at the grocery or Walmart, etc. in a wheelchair for about the first year. Very humiliating. Mostly I just stayed home. I was unable to walk very far on my own, and crawled up stairs on my hands and knees. I'm not really sure what happened to turn things around, but eventually I started to improve and now I just walk with a limp. Some days are worse than others. And some days are REALLY bad! But the important thing is to keep moving.

I'm always interested in hearing from others who have this illness, or even those who just have some symptoms and want to talk about it. So don't hesitate to email me!

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