Monday, January 21, 2008

The Let-Down

Jayne has left
The let-down begins
We had such a glorious time while she was here. We had party after party with all the family members. So many we hadn't seen in years. It was wonderful!
The cameras were out in heavy numbers, so there are LOTS of photos to check out. Many, many memories have been preserved. I don't know who had more fun, the adults or the kids!!
Just be sure to read the captions under the photos is all I can say. Just wish I had photos of the kids when they climbed out on the icy swimming pool room roof at Angie's house, or when they were playing in the Dippity Doo at Dale's!!
Now back to life as usual...laundry, housework, cooking!!!
I miss you Jayne!! Love you!! Hurry back soon!!
Your dear sister,

1 comment:

julieQ said...

Darn it, life has to go on, huh.. Can't party forever!
