Friday, April 4, 2008


Softball season has started. This is keeping me quite busy. Driving her back and forth to practices. Of course, she's still having to go to cheer/tumbling and sometimes those practices are clashing with the softball practices so it's all quite a challenge. Sometimes we're even running from one straight to the other. It's crazy! Or I'm crazy. I'm not sure which!!

They've had their first game(s). They had a double header last weekend. They won the first game and lost the second game, but it was close. Danielle had a really good game. You can tell that her playing ASA ball last year really improved her game. She's playing second base this year and she did really well. She had several outs and good plays, etc. I'm really proud of her. It will be exciting to see how the team improves as they get a little more cohesive as the season goes along a little more.

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