Friday, January 4, 2008


2008 is here!!
And so far, so good. Alright, so we're only a few days into it but hey, they've been a good few days. lol I still have all my decorations up. I love them and have no desire to take them down. I wonder how long it will take the neighbors to start talking if I leaves the decorations up outside and keep turning those lights on every night?? **evil laugh**
I was a good girl and ate my cabbage on New Year's Day, so I am hoping for prosperity for 2008. I also made my resolutions for the year. Keeping my fingers crossed that things work out. Must stay positive! :-)
Happy New Year everyone!!

1 comment:

julieQ said...

Happy New Year right back at you!! My decorations are down...except my snowmen!!! They stay up until..spring? or the snow melts!! hehe...
