Friday, December 28, 2007

2007 Winding Down

Only a few days left in 2007. Wow! Where has this year gone? All in all, I guess it's been a pretty good year. Nothing real remarkable, but okay. I would have liked to have had better health, felt better and have been back to work but I'm thankful that I've felt as well as I have. Tomorrow is a new day, and almost a new year!!

We have a friend of Danielle's visiting with us from Texas. What a sweet girl. I am really enjoying her visit. We also have another friend of theirs staying with us too while she's here. It's so nice having a house full of girls again!! I love it! We take her back to Columbus tomorrow though to meet up with her parents. We're going to do some shopping at Easton Mall first. LOL Girls have to shop, right!! We are talking about letting Danielle fly down to Texas over the summer to visit with her. Just talking though, cause it makes me nervous thinking about it! lol

Let's see, New Years' Resolutions.....get healthier, eat better, lose some weight, work on quilting UFO's (un-finished objects), and get the house more organized (always a constant in my life lol.) I'd like to start walking again so I will start that again as soon as it warms up a little bit. I can't take the cold anymore. There are probably some more but that's all I can think of off the top of my head. The first three I listed are also in the hopes of me going back to work. I miss Nursing.

What New Year's Resolutions have the rest of you made?

1 comment:

julieQ said...

I am just set some goals, with small step to achieve them. Big resolutions are often for me not lived up to, you know?
